Thursday 15 March 2012

My Week at a Glance

On March 7th I attended the Rotary Club of Langley Central and spoke at International Women’s Day. 

Cherril Holcombe was honoured for her work with Women by Design, a group of women raising essential funds for other women in Africa.

Miss Canada, Tara Teng, was honoured for speaking out about social justice and human trafficking. Her message was, “How have I directly or indirectly contributed to this injustice?”

Dorothy McKim was honoured for her involvement in the community since she moved into the area in 1974. She had a long list of volunteer organizations she is involved in.

In addition, the higlight was First Lady, Dorscie Patterson, a spirited 99 year old woman whose message is “Just Do It."

The First Lady

1 comment:

  1. Love it Jane. It was, indeed, a great pleasure to meet with and chat with Dorcie. What an amazing woman. Not, in any way, to diminish the other three who have all made a tremendous difference bothy locally and overseas. Tara with her campaign against human trafficking and slavery, Cherril and her lavender for hope in Gulu, N. Uganda and our own Dorothy McKim with all she does for Rotary and this community.
